Complaints Procedure

Boultbee LDN Capital operates a Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP) and has appointed Mr Simon Hosking to deal with your complaint. If you have a question, or if you would like to make a complaint, please don’t hesitate to contact him.
The relevant contact details are:

Mr Simon Hosking
Boultbee LDN Capital Ltd
117 George Street

Telephone: +44 (0)203 674 0991

If you have initially made your complaint verbally, whether face-to-face or over the phone, please also make it in writing, addressed to Simon Hosking as above. This is to ensure that we fully understand exactly what your complaint is and have a written record of it. The first stage of our complaints handling procedure will involve full consideration of your complaint by Simon Hosking, Managing Director, on behalf of the firm. We will try to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction. If you are happy with the outcome of Simon Hosking’s investigation into your complaint, the matter will conclude.

We will consider your complaint as quickly as possible. We will provide you with a full response or, if that is not possible, an update on what is happening with your complaint, within 28 days. However, if we cannot agree on how to resolve the complaint then you will have the opportunity to take your complaint to the Ombudsman.

Ombudsman Services: Property
PO Box 1021 Warrington WA4 9FE
Tel: +44 (0) 845 050 8181
Fax: +44 (0) 845 051 1213
Telephone: +44 (0) 1925 530 270
Fax: +44 (0) 1925 530 271